A team at stake, with the whole sea behind them. Work Processes and Production of Mental Health


  • Elisa Bellezze




Experience, Work, Team, Game, Mental Health, Cruelty, Tenderness


The article discusses the working processes of the interdisciplinary and the inter–institutional team Puente de Tierra, a territorial experience of play with children and young people in contexts of poverty in the city of Rosario. It describes the playful device and its registration/tension with respect to public policy. Then, the work process is reconstructed during the period studied, ordering the information around four relevant aspects. In addition, conceptualizations are articulated: on the one hand, the difficulties of the practice, and on the other, the clinical resources and tools that are available to face them. The team at stake involves a collective network linked to the production of mental health, where the per–elaborative, creative and critical–thinking dimension is central. Finally, reflections and new questions are outlined.


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Author Biography

Elisa Bellezze

Psicóloga, Profesora de Psicología, Especialista en Psicología Clínica, Institucional y Comunitaria. UNR. Trabaja en consultorio particular y en el ámbito público. Actualmente se desempeña como Psicóloga en el centro de salud provincial n°3, 7 de septiembre, y como Acompañante Terapéutica de la Dirección de Salud Mental de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Desde su paso por la Universidad es militante del proyecto colectivo Vamos Patria Grande. Feminista y activista por los derechos humanos, de las infancias y juventudes y de los/as trabajadores/ as. 



How to Cite

Bellezze, E. . (2022). A team at stake, with the whole sea behind them. Work Processes and Production of Mental Health. Barquitos Pintados. Experiencia Rosario., 4(4), 185–205. https://doi.org/10.35305/barquitos.v4i4.73