The fraternal in the subjective constitution


  • Soledad Secci Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Psicología. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.



subjective constitution, fraternal ties, legalities, otherness, clinic


Starting from the investigation of the notion of fraternity in some founding authors of the psychoanalytic corpus and in some Argentine thinkers, this article analyzes the place of the fraternal as a way of alterity in the subjective constitution. We will explore through clinical vignettes the way in which the notion of similarity and alterity in childhood is constructed. We will also analyze the modalities in which legalities are established when the adult / child asymmetry appears in an exceptional way. Which ties are being built between brothers at and beyond the parental filial? As a result of the investigation, an hypothesis came out: the legalities between peers, the notion of alterity, the difference with the other, the own identifications are configured in fraternal matrices.


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Author Biography

Soledad Secci, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Psicología. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.

Psicóloga (UNR). Especialista en Psicología Clínica, Institucional y Comunitaria (UNR). J.T.P. Problemas Epistemológicos de la Psicología (Facultad de Psicología UNR). Psicoanalista. 



How to Cite

Secci, S. . (2020). The fraternal in the subjective constitution. Barquitos Pintados. Experiencia Rosario., 2(2), 149–163.