Analysis of the effects that produces the institutional suffering in subjects deprived of the freedom


  • Georgina Elsa Borzone Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Psicología. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.



Psychoanalysis, Institutions, Prison, Institutional Suffering


This article aims to transmit the experience of work carried out in an interdisciplinary device of health inside a prison. With the intention of analyzing how prison, understood as a total institution, affects people through processes of desubjectivation. The analysis will be considered in two different stages of the work. Firstly, the moment in which the subjects are immersed in the institutional dynamics. There we will see three ways proposed by the institution which affect and obture the emergency of the unconscious subject. Secondly, there will be other effects that appear in the stories told by subjects in the very special moment in which the door opens and it appears the possibility of mental opening.


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Author Biography

Georgina Elsa Borzone, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Psicología. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.

Integrante de Dispositivo Interdisciplinario de Salud en el ámbito del Servicio Penitenciario. Dirección Provincial de Salud Mental. Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Psicóloga y Profesora en Psicología (UNR). Especialista en Psicología clínica, institucional y comunitaria(UNR). Rosario. República Argentina. 



How to Cite

Borzone, G. E. . (2020). Analysis of the effects that produces the institutional suffering in subjects deprived of the freedom. Barquitos Pintados. Experiencia Rosario., 1(1), 69–77.